Sunday, October 28, 2012


Last night my parents and brother and I got to attend SkyBall. It is always a great time getting to attend military events especially when i am so thankful that my brother is home safe. But it is hard realizing how many families don't have their solider home! Andy came home for a very quick weekend and it was great seeing him. Connor was so glad his Uncle Bubba was here! Even though it was a short trip we are so glad he was able to be here! A huge thank you to ALL the men and women that serve in the armed forces! Here are a few pics of the weekend!

Monday, September 24, 2012

Catch up from the start of school

So after talking with a friend and asking her to update her blog I realized wow I really should update mine as well! We have been pretty buys since school started back up! Connor is now back in Day Care and loves it! It is so awesome to witness how much he is learning every day. I swear he can say or attempt to say just about anything you ask him! I love watching his little brain work!

With school starting my oldest niece just started Kindergarten! She loves it! I am so proud of her and everything she is doing! Her little sister and brother are also in school too! Thank goodness their mom deserves a break every now and then! They also are a complete family again! My brother is back and the looks on everyone's faces when they saw him are just priceless! I wish we could have been there just to see them! So glad he is back and safe! Please continue to pray for all of our troops!

A couple of weekends ago some of my high school friends and I got together to run the Color Me Rad race! It was so much fun! If I had to choose 1 race to run for the rest of my life I would to that one over and over! It was also great to get to see and hang out with these girls because we don't do it very often! Can't wait to do it again!

This weekend we had our nephew Landon's 2nd birthday party to go to! It was great seeing the kids play all together! Connor loved Landon's trike even though he couldn't touch the ground!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Pool day!

So today was the first time in 3 1/2 years I have ever been to the community pool less than a block from our house! Connor had a great time! We were the first ones there and that was nice he had a great time splashing around and once other kids got there he had to be right up in their business! We did have a great time but next time I will for sure put sunscreen on me as well as Connor! He was cover very well but me on the other hand I look like a lobster now!!!

Friday, June 8, 2012

First week home for the summer...

This week has been amazing! Last summer when it was just Connor and I he really couldn't do a whole lot. Man has that changed!!! Wow he is 150% all boy and is completely on the move every moment he is awake!!! Make for one exhausting but extremely rewarding summer!

So far we have gone to the park and played, been to the splash park with all of his friends from daycare!, of course gone shopping at the mall, spent the day inside in our PJ's because is was raining, and hopefully today we will go out to get Jason's fathers day gift!

Here are some pics from this week from my phone! Maybe next week we will be able to go swim in Honey and Papa Bear's pool if their house remodel is almost done!!! Cross our fingers this mom needs a tan!!!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Mayfest 2012

This weekend we went to Mayfest down off the trinity river in Fort Worth! My parents went with us and we also met up with my college roommate and BFF Erin Hein and her sweet little family!

While we were there we got to walk around and check out all the vendors I wish I would have gone back to buy the dress i wanted! Oh well! We spent most of the time at the playground with Connor! He LOVES to be outside! It is his favorite thing in the world. He also played in the huge sand pile and met a little girl that has his same birthday. Mayfest is know for it's horrible weather every year but this year it was great! A little hot but perfect for us. The only thing we didn't get was a funnel cake :( I wish we did but my weight is glad we didn't because I'm pretty sure I wouldn't share it if I got one!!! Connor fell asleep on the way back to the car and took a great nap that afternoon.

All in all we had a great time with family and friends!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Connor is 1!!!

Has it really already been a year! I can't believe that he is already one! We have been so blessed with such a wonderful child! How did we get so lucky? Being Connor's mommy is the best job ever! This past year we have done so much! Just to name a few of the major things he has done are:

Gone on a road trip to Nebraska!!!
Meet everyone in his family from great grandparents all the way down to his youngest cousin Austin!
Been on a plane to N. Carolina!
Been to the beach (slept most of the time)
Had his first ER trip
Met Santa (and didn't cry)
Gone swimming
Been Baptized
Over night stays with both grandparents (2 nights each while we were in Mexico)
Gone rock climbing!
Ran a 5k with mommy!

1 year check up stats

29 1/2 in. tall
21 lbs 6 oz in weight
47 for head circumference!

Some of his favorite things right now are:

Playing OUTSIDE!!!
Loves to swing
Play with daddy's golf clubs

Green beans
any fruits
chicken nuggets

Anything Mickey Mouse
Curious George

This year really has been amazing!

Thank you Connor for being the best thing that ever happened to your daddy and I! We love you more than words can describe!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Playroom is in the works!

So Connor's playroom is getting to look more and more like a playroom and less like a empty dining room like it has been for the last 3 years! We(Jason and my dad) painted it last weekend then this past weekend we rearranged our furniture to make room for our new living room set and to have some stuff in the playroom to sit on instead of just the floor! We still have to get curtains and some storage units and decorate but other than that it will be done by his birthday!!! Which is right around the corner and sooo crazy to think that he will be 1 in a little over a month!!!

Well now we are battling the ever present sick bug in our house! Jason just tested positive for the flu yesterday at the Dr. Yuck he has been banned to the bedroom and told not to come out so hopefully Connor and I will not get it!!! Especially since my spring break is next week and I want to fully enjoy my time off with my little man!!!

Connor is now full on walking and only crawling maybe a couple times a day and giving so many kisses which I just adore! He melts my heart every time I ask for a kiss and actually get one. He can also wave hello and bye'bye which is just so cute and loves to clap he also loves the song "If your happy and you know it...."! We are working on blowing kisses and hopefully hugs! I can not wait and am so incredibly blessed beyond belief by him! God sure did give me just what I needed in the perfect little boy! I can not thank him enough!